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Breast Augmentation Recovery Guide

Undergoing breast augmentation surgery can be a satisfying experience that enhances your self-confidence. But if you are inadequately prepared for the recovery process, then it can be daunting. Our goal is to educate you about breast augmentation recovery and provide a guide for what you can expect and how to minimize your healing time.


Recuperation after your breast augmentation procedure can vary depending on your implant size, pain tolerance, natural recovery process, implant placement, and other contributing factors. Below is a comprehensive guideline that can generally explain the most common healing times.


Breast Augmentation - Woman sleeping on her back


What Can I Expect Following Surgery?


Many patients experience discomfort during their recovery with the most pain during the first few days. Prescription medication can alleviate your pain if you find it uncomfortable. Some women only feel mild pain and can deal with it without medicine.

Swelling and Bruising

Minor swelling and bruising in the chest area is normal, along with feeling a tight, stretched sensation. These symptoms should resolve within one or two weeks. Surgical compression bandaging often help to relieve these side effects.

Recovery Timeline

We created a basic recovery timeline to give you an idea of what you can expect during your healing process. Every patient may experience a different recovery journey, but with this knowledge in mind, you can be ready for what occurs.

Immediately Following

You will likely feel disoriented and tired after waking up from surgery. As these symptoms dissipate, you might experience light to moderate pain, which can be managed with medication.

Two to Three Days After Surgery

The chest may be swollen and bruised, which can be helped by wearing surgical compression bandage to support your new bust. At this point, most patients can take a shower. Your implants may feel firm and sit high on your chest with the nipples pointing down. This will improve over time, and your breasts will begin to soften and settle into a more desirable position.

One Week After Surgery

Many patients can resume work and light activities at this point. Do not attempt bending over or performing any heavy lifting yet. You may have a postoperative follow-up appointment at this time to evaluate your progress.

Two Weeks After Surgery

You should begin to feel more normal at this point and can introduce some daily routines. Strenuous exercise or activity should still be avoided.

One Month After Surgery

Your surgeon may clear you to slowly introduce regular exercises.

Six Weeks After Surgery

The recovery process should be finishing up by this point, and most patients have fully immersed themselves in their regular exercise routines. You can sleep on your stomach and sides now. Your implants should also be fully settled, revealing your final results, but sometimes this process can take longer depending on the size of your implants.

Tips for a Comfortable, Quick Recovery

Now that you have a better idea of what you can expect during your recovery, here is a comprehensive list of tips for a comfortable, expedient recovery.

  • Fill all your prescriptions prior to your procedure so you have everything ready when you arrive home.
  • Establish a comfortable recovery area with plenty of water, healthy snacks, and pillows. You may want to include entertainment items, such as magazines, electronics with chargers and batteries, and a television.
  • Prepare loose, comfortable clothing that does not require lifting your arms.
  • Enlist help. A friend or loved one can assist in your daily responsibilities while you heal, especially if you have young children. Most patients need someone to care for them for at least three days.
  • Follow your postoperative care instructions carefully.
  • Attend follow-up appointments with your surgeon and ask questions if you have any concerns.
  • Wear your surgical support bras and compression bandages according to your surgeon’s instructions.
  • Eat light, healthy meals and stay hydrated. You may feel a little nauseous after the anesthesia, but that feeling is temporary and wears off quickly.
  • Give yourself plenty of time off from your obligations and don’t try to rush your recovery. Remain patient and listen to your body.
  • Get plenty of rest and sleep as much as you can. Take it easy and sleep on your back, propped up with pillows.
  • If your surgeon recommends, you may need to massage your breasts regularly.
  • Do not overdo it, and avoid physical activities that will make your breasts jiggle (jumping, running, etc.) until you have fully healed.

Breast augmentation before and after


What Are the Results?

Once your breasts have settled and you feel back to normal, you should not have any lingering adverse symptoms. The breasts appear larger and usually sit higher on the chest for a flattering appearance. With enhanced cleavage, many patients feel satisfied with their new look and experience a boost in their overall self-image.


Schedule a consultation at AesthetiCare to learn more about breast augmentation and recovery! We are conveniently located in San Juan Capistrano (949) 661-1700, Newport Beach (949) 722-6603, Corona (951) 737-3236, and Encinitas (760) 633-3003. You can also reach us by filling out our online contact form.

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