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Breast Implant Removal

Breast augmentation patients are generally among the most satisfied with their decision to undergo cosmetic surgery and their results. However, some women choose to remove their implants down the line for various reasons, including personal taste, lifestyle changes, dissatisfaction with their results, financial obligations, or health incompatibilities with the implants.

No matter the reason, breast augmentation patients always have the option of removing their breast implants through breast implant removal surgery. This procedure has the sole purpose of removing the implants while maintaining an attractive shape and position of the breast tissue, giving patients exactly what they need.

What Is Breast Implant Removal?

Also known as explantation, breast implant removal is a surgical procedure that permanently removes breast implants. This procedure can remove some or all of the scar tissue (partial or total capsulectomy) around the implants if desired or needed. Breast implant removal can be performed alone or in conjunction with another breast surgery, such as a breast lift or breast reduction.

Why Would a Patient Want to Remove Her Breast Implants?

It can be hard to imagine that a patient would want to undergo a secondary procedure to reverse the effects of the first, but there are plenty of reasons that patients seek breast implant removal.

Changes in Lifestyle or Aesthetic Taste

Changes in Lifestyle or Aesthetic Taste

Many patients are ecstatic with their new, large breast implants, only to realize a few years down the road that this look just isn’t for them. Sometimes, patients want to downsize their implants for a more modest or manageable appearance. Others realize their large implants impede their ability to participate in competitive sports or exercise comfortably.

Breast Implant Issues

Breast Implant Issues

Through no fault of their own, patients can encounter issues with their breast implants. Capsular contracture (or hardening of the implants), rippling, or rupture can be uncomfortable, annoying issues that many patients don’t want to deal with anymore. Rather than undergo breast implant revision, they choose to remove their implants altogether simply.

Natural Volume Increase

Natural Volume Increase

If a patient gains a substantial amount of weight after their breast augmentation, the natural breast tissue can become too large and heavy for comfort. Many patients who experience this realize that their breasts are now too large and choose to remove the implants to reduce the volume of their breasts.

Long-term Maintenance Costs

Long-term Maintenance Costs

Unfortunately, breast implants are not made to last a lifetime. When some patients realize that their breast augmentation will most likely require at least one or more procedures to maintain their implants, they decide it’s not worth the cost or hassle and choose to remove them.

Health Issues

Health Issues

Some patients choose to remove their breast implants because they are causing health issues or fear they may cause health issues in the future. Others decide they no longer want a foreign object in their bodies.

What Are the Benefits of Breast Implant Removal?

Cosmetic surgery is about improving self-image, confidence, and empowerment. Each patient’s path will look different, and it is possible even to change paths. One of the benefits of breast implant removal is that it gives breast augmentation patients the look and comfort that they desire by reversing the results of their primary surgery.

There are many reasons a patient may wish to remove their implants, so the benefits vary from patient to patient. Some benefits of breast implant removal include:

  • Improved physical proportions to your frame
  • Increased physical comfort if you have pain associated with your implants
  • Peace of mind about breast implant-related illnesses
  • A customized breast aesthetic that suits your needs

Our priority is always the patient’s happiness and comfort. If you have decided you would like to remove your breast implants, we’re here to help you get the look you want.

Who Is a Candidate for Breast Implant Removal?

If you currently have breast implants and wish to remove them, breast implant removal might be for you. Candidates for explantation should be generally in good health and fully understand the possible results of this procedure What to Expect After Breast Implant Removal. Candidates may also be patients who have excess scar tissue surrounding their breast implants, which may distort the appearance of their breasts and be painful.

If you are interested in breast implant removal and would like to find out if you are a candidate, call AesthetiCare Cosmetic Surgery Institute today at (800) 662-1055 to schedule a consultation with one of our talented and experienced breast implant removal surgeons.

Can I Combine Breast Implant Removal with Any Other Procedures?

Depending on your skin elasticity, the volume of your natural breast tissue, and your goals for the procedure, you may wish to combine your explantation with another cosmetic breast procedure to ensure the look you want. Some common combination procedures include breast lift surgery and/or breast reduction surgery.

Due to the natural aging process, volume increase, and skin laxity, the skin of your breasts can become loose and begin to sag. Breast sagging, or ptosis, is generally more common in patients with large breast implants, as the skin has to stretch to accommodate the size and weight of the breasts. By removing the implant, breast ptosis can become even more pronounced, resulting in an undesirable effect.

Many explantation patients opt to remedy breast ptosis by combining their procedure with a breast lift. Breast lift surgery removes excess loose skin, repositions the nipple-areolar complex to a centered position, and lifts the breasts for a youthful, shapely appearance.

Breast augmentation patients who have experienced an increase in the volume of their natural breast tissue may desire a breast reduction in conjunction with their explantation procedure. There are many reasons a patient may have an increase in natural breast size, such as hormone fluctuations, pregnancies, or weight gain.

Breast reduction surgery removes excess glandular (breast) tissue and fat to create a smaller, more manageable size. A moderate amount of skin can also be removed to provide some lift to the breasts for a more pleasing, comfortable appearance.

How Is Breast Implant Removal Performed?

Each breast implant removal procedure is highly customized to the patient’s needs, goals, and the condition of their breast tissue, skin, and implants. For example, if the breast implants have been partially or fully ruptured, this will affect the length and complexity of the procedure. A full or partial capsulectomy can also add to the procedure time, as well as any additional procedures such as a breast lift or reduction. Your experienced breast surgeon will employ a surgical plan to achieve your needs and aesthetic goals.

Breast implant removal is typically performed on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia for optimum comfort.

Your surgeon will make an incision either along the inframammary fold (under the breast), around the areola (the dark-colored skin surrounding the nipple), or in the armpit, depending on the patient’s anatomy and preferences.

The surgeon will then carefully remove the breast implants and any scar tissue (capsule) that may have formed around them. Capsule removal is particularly important if the patient is experiencing any symptoms related to capsular contracture or breast implant illness (BII).

After the breast implants and scar tissue (if applicable) are removed and any subsequent procedures are performed (like a breast lift to address ptosis), the surgeon will close the incisions, and you will be monitored until you awake from anesthesia.

How Long Is Breast Implant Removal Recovery?

The specifics of your breast implant removal recovery will be determined by the surgical technique that was used, any additional procedures you had performed, and your natural healing process. In general, breast implant removal surgery is more manageable than primary breast augmentation since there is less manipulation of the tissue, and the body does not have to heal around an implant.

On the day of surgery, you will be sent home with specific aftercare instructions and a breast wrap that must be worn day and night to help the healing process and keep swelling down. For the first few days, you may experience some swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which can be easily managed with over-the-counter or prescription medication.

Be sure to rest as much as possible and take care of the surgical site as directed by your surgeon. Most breast implant removal patients feel well enough to return to a low-impact job after just a few days, but they should avoid strenuous activities and heavy lifting for three to four weeks. Follow-up appointments with your surgeon are essential to monitor healing and ensure optimal results.

When Will I See My Breast Implant Removal Results?

You will notice the reduced size and weight of your breasts immediately after surgery. Your breasts will look and feel smaller and lighter, and you may experience a greater range of motion after you have healed. In one to two weeks, the bruising and swelling will have subsided, and you will begin to see the full results of your breast implant removal with your breasts sitting at a natural position on the chest and a more moderate profile.

Results will certainly vary, as each patient will have different goals for the aesthetics of their procedures. Our compassionate aesthetic surgeons are here to create a customized breast implant removal plan that helps you get the look that improves your comfort and confidence.

Breast Implant Removal FAQ

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