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Eyelid Surgery

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As essential elements in facial expression, the eyes convey messages of emotion and vitality. Age and environmental factors like sun damage cause the skin to lose elasticity and structure, especially in the thin tissue around the eyes. Weakened muscles and fat deposits in the eye area can also contribute to an exhausted, upset, and aged appearance. Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, can help freshen and revitalize your face by removing excess tissue and repositioning fat in the upper and lower eyelids. Our surgeons at AesthetiCare are highly skilled in eyelid surgery and can help you achieve the youthful look you have always wanted.

What Can Eyelid Surgery Correct?

  • Drooping eyelids
  • Eyelids that obstruct the vision
  • Puffiness around the eyes
  • Under-eye bags
  • Fine lines and wrinkles around the eye area

Am I a Candidate for Eyelid Surgery?

You may be a good candidate for an upper blepharoplasty if you have droopy eyelids or excess upper-lid skin that obstructs your field of vision. Lower blepharoplasty is often done to reduce lower eyelid puffiness or under-eye bags that make an individual appear much older than they actually are.


If you are unhappy with the appearance of your eyelids or skin around the eyes, you may be a good candidate for the procedure.


An ideal patient should also be in good health with no serious medical problems and have realistic expectations of the procedure’s outcome. Non-smokers are also likely to have a better outcome.

Eyelid Surgery Options for You!

Eyelid surgery may last approximately one to two hours, depending on the extent of correction required. Before the procedure begins, the treatment area is cleansed, and anesthesia is administered. Usually, this procedure is performed using local anesthesia with intravenous sedation, but your aesthetic surgeon may recommend general anesthesia, if necessary. The incisions created during eyelid surgery may be closed with sutures. Several different techniques can be used to enhance the eyelids, and your surgeon will determine the most appropriate approach during your personal consultation.

  • Upper Eyelid Procedure: involves creating incisions in the fold of the upper eyelid through which excess skin, muscle, and fat are removed.
  • Transconjunctival technique: incisions are created within the conjunctiva. This approach is ideal for removing excess orbital fat from the lower eyelids.
  • Transcutaneous technique: incisions are created along the natural folds of the lower eyelids. This approach is ideal for removing unwanted fat deposits as well as excess skin.

How Long Will My Recovery Be After Eyelid Surgery?

You will likely experience some discomfort, bruising, and swelling around your eyes after your blepharoplasty. Pain can be managed with pain medication prescribed by your aesthetic surgeon. Resting with your head elevated and applying cold compresses to the treatment site will help minimize swelling and bruising. These side effects should subside within two to four weeks. You can wear makeup after 10 days to conceal any discoloration.


Work may be resumed one week after surgery, but strenuous activity must be avoided for at least two weeks.

How Long Will My Blepharoplasty Results Last?

The results of eyelid surgery are generally long lasting. That said, you will enjoy your results for many years to come, especially when performed on the lower lids. When performed on the upper eyelids, the results can last up to about five to seven years.


Your body will continue its aging process, and you can expect the youthful results to be affected by changes, such as sagging brows or tissue laxity. In this case, you may benefit from a brow lift (forehead lift) procedure.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I have scarring after eyelid surgery?

All incisions created during eyelid surgery are carefully placed within the natural folds and contours of the eyelid so that they are nearly imperceptible. Any scars that result from this procedure may be a pinkish color at first, but these tend to fade over time and blend with your natural skin tone. The inside lower eyelid technique does not produce any visible scarring because the incisions are placed within the lower eyelid.

What are the potential risks associated with eyelid surgery?

Experiencing significant complications after eyelid surgery is rare. However, all surgical procedures come with risks, which may include:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Scarring
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Temporary blurred vision

What results can I expect from my eyelid surgery?

You will start to notice the results of your procedure within a few weeks as the bruising and swelling subside. While eyelid surgery results are long lasting, it is important to realize that your face will continue to age. However, eyelid surgery can successfully restore a youthful, revitalized appearance to your eyes for years to come.

How much does eyelid surgery cost?

The cost of your personalized eyelid surgery depends on several factors, including the surgical approach and the extent of correction. Financing is available at AesthetiCare for qualifying patients.

How is eyelid surgery different from a forehead lift?

The eyelids and the brows are intrinsically linked, and a good surgeon must examine how both relate to each other.


If you have a sagging, heavy forehead or “hooded” brows that force you to constantly raise your eyebrows, a brow lift or forehead lift may be necessary to help rejuvenate your appearance.


A forehead lift targets everything at and above your eyebrows. Unlike an eyelid surgery which fixes heavy, drooping, and puffy eyelids, a forehead lift surgery tightens the skin over your brow bone to lift your brows and correct issues such as the appearance of lines and wrinkles around the forehead and brow area.

Which procedures can be combined with eyelid surgery?

Eyelid surgery is often done in combination with other procedures, including a forehead lift, a facelift, and non-surgical facial injections. This will depend on the unique issues you seek to address. A consultation with a qualified cosmetic surgeon is the best way to determine which procedure(s) will help achieve your desired results.

I am interested in eyelid surgery. What is my next step?

If you are interested in eyelid surgery and want to know if you are a good candidate, the initial step is to schedule a consultation with the skilled surgeons at AesthetiCare Cosmetic Surgery Institute.


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